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NomuPay Internet Site Information Notice on PDP

As Nomupay Ödeme ve Elektronik Para Hizmetleri A.Ş. (“Our Company” or “NomuPay”), we show maximum level of sensitivity about the protection and processing of the personal data of you, our visitors, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”) when you visit our official website at (“Our Website”).

We would like to inform you, our visitors, about the obligation to inform that arises from the KVKK, with this NomuPay Internet Site PDP Information Notice (“Information Notice”).

What are our purposes of processing your personal data, and methods of obtaining and processing them?

Once you visit “” address, your personal data listed below including your traffic data, are processed by our Company in connection with the objectives disclosed, in a limited and proportionate manner, in writing in electronic and physical media and with automatic and non-automatic methods, in accordance with the KVKK.

Your Personal Data Media of Transmission to our Company Purpose / Purpose of Processing
Name-surname, e-mail address, telephone number and e-mail/ personal data disclosed in contact form To respond to inquiries, complaints, questions and recommendations about our products and services and to conduct integration processes about our products and services.
Traffic data
To comply with our obligations arising from the Law No. 5651 on Regulation of Internet Publications and Prevention of Crimes Committed through Such Publications and subordinate regulations.
If you are private company, your name, surname, e-mail address and telephone number, tax registration number, bank account information, internet site address of your company and in any case, name-surname of the company’s representative/s and contact person for financial affairs, contact information and name, surname, position and T.R. identification number of the authorized signatory. Processing of the member merchant applications.

Your personal data specified in this Information Notice is disclosed to the external service providers (IT specialists, database providers, advertising agencies, backup and recovery specialists, etc.) in a manner related, limited with and proportionate to the purposes provided hereunder and for the purpose of conducting business activities of our Company in accordance with the KVKK.

Unless otherwise specified in the KVKK, the third persons to whom your personal data is disclosed are obliged to process and protect your personal data in a manner limited and related with the purpose of disclosure, and this obligation is subject to controls of the NomuPay.

We disclose your personal data to public organizations and institutions, and judicial authorities in accordance with the KVKK for the purpose of complying with our legal obligations and liabilities.

Is your personal data transferred abroad?

In case you contact our Company via electronic mail, our Company transfers your personal to third persons resident abroad (Microsoft Office 365) for the purposes of business continuity and contacting you in case you give explicit consent.

Our Company transfers your personal data collected during your member merchant application to external service providers and NomuPay, foreign affiliate resident abroad that is shareholder of NomuPay Odeme ve Elektronik Para Hizmetleri A.S. For the purpose of processing your member merchant application, carrying out audits and activities about ethics, financial affairs and accounting activities, business activities and reporting processes as well as providing services to you, our member merchants, within the scope of the contractual relationship.

Our Company does not transfer your personal data collected over the internet site to any third person resident abroad other than those listed above.

Security, storage and destruction of your personal data

Our company has high level of awareness about protection of security and privacy of personal data. NomuPay processes personal data of you, our visitors, specified in this Information Notice by ensuring the security in accordance with our Company’s Data Storage and Destruction Policy, including the KVKK.
Your personal data is stored for the periods required for the purposes of processing specified in this Information Notice and in any case for the periods specified in the applicable legislation. Our Company deletes, destroys or anonymizes your personal data in accordance with NomuPay Personal Data Storage and Destruction Policy upon expiry of the specified periods.

Our Company takes all technical and administrative measures in accordance with the KVKK in order to prevent unauthorized access to, erroneous processing, disclosure, illegal modification/ deletion of your personal data, and to ensure the security and protection thereof. NomuPay immediately informs you and the Personal Data Protection Board as and when required under the KVKK.

Your right to get informed

Pursuant to Article 11 of the KVKK, you have right to submit an application to our Company and (i) get information as to whether your personal data is processed, (ii) if processed, get information on the processing and objective thereof and as to whether it is processed in accordance with the intended purpose; (iii) get information about 3rd persons to whom your personal data is transferred in the country/ abroad, (iv) request deletion/ destruction subject to the conditions specified in Article 7 of the KVKK, (v) request notification of the third persons to whom personal data is transferred, of the requests for deletion and destruction of your personal data in accordance with article 7 of the KVKK and rectification of personal data that is processed in an incomplete / erroneous manner, (vi) object to any result obtained against you as a result of processing exclusively with automatic systems, and (vii) claim compensation of losses that may be suffered due to processing in breach of the law.

Please contact PDP Officer if you have any question about this Information Notice.

This Information Notice may be revised to ensure compliance with the KVKK due to changes in our processes. Please visit our website for updates.

As Nomupay Ödeme ve Elektronik Para Hizmetleri A.Ş.
Maslak Mah. AOS 55. Sokak 42 Maslak B Blok Sitesi No:4 Kat:18 D:2 – Sarıyer / İstanbul